
Creativity vs Knowledge

Last weekend, I caught up with members of the LeadHERS Lean In circle. As we updated each other on the goals we set out to achieve this year and beyond, we also discussed the corresponding challenges and provided solutions and advice. It energized me to see the safe environment that has been created, allowing women with great potential to come together, be vulnerable, and become accountability partners for each other’s successes.

One part of our conversation stood out. One person shared a past regret about not taking up an opportunity because, at the time, they felt they were not up to the task. This decision haunted them later, as they felt it caused them to miss out on other opportunities due to the exposure this initial opportunity would have provided.

Reflecting on this conversation re-emphasized my belief that everything that exists and is created is first conceived from our thoughts. From a biblical perspective, man was created in the image and likeness of God. This is powerful because it means we have the power to create. What we create can either benefit us or work against us—it all starts in our minds. Our thoughts and how we see the world and the value we accord ourselves give us the ability to create good and bad experiences for ourselves.

Einstein’s famous quote, “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world,” highlights this perfectly. Logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you anywhere. By assuming that you already have what you want and feeling the corresponding emotions, you set the stage for creation. Just like creating a piece of art or building something, it always starts with an idea, followed by your thoughts, feelings, and actions. All four must be in alignment and working towards the achievement of that vision.

Examples of Creative Power in Action

Sara Blakely: The founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely, revolutionized the hosiery industry with her innovative products. She imagined a more comfortable and flattering alternative to traditional undergarments and turned a $5,000 investment into a billion-dollar empire through persistence and creative thinking.

Reed Hastings: Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix with a vision to revolutionize the way people consume media. From a DVD rental service to a global streaming platform, his imagination and foresight transformed the entertainment industry and how we access content today.

Malala Yousafzai: Malala’s advocacy for girls’ education began with a vision of a world where every girl could learn and lead. Despite facing tremendous adversity, her unwavering belief and activism have created global movements and inspired millions to fight for educational rights.

Mental Health and Positive Thinking

As we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month, I cannot end without emphasizing that your ability to create good mental health for yourself and those around you starts with your thoughts. What are your thoughts about getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, creating space for healthy family and friend connections, building a relationship with God, and contributing to causes that are bigger than ourselves?

Call to Action

Take a moment to reflect on your own life. Are there opportunities you’ve let go of because you doubted yourself? How can you start aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions to create the life you envision? Remember, you have the power to create miracles in your life through your thoughts. Start imagining the life you want today, and take the steps toward making it a reality.

Adelaide Ahovy Abbiw-Williams
Adelaide Ahovy Abbiw-Williams
Adelaide Ahovy Abbiw-Williams is currently the CEO of SES HD PLUS GH Ltd, a subsidiary of SES, the leading global satellite connectivity solutions provider. She champions premium TV broadcasting excellence in Ghana as the first female CEO of the company.

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