
The Power of Waiting: Lessons, Growth, and Business Opportunities


In a world that often prioritizes speed and instant gratification, waiting periods may seem like an inconvenience or a frustrating delay. However, waiting is not merely a test of patience; it is a powerful tool that provides us with the opportunity to learn valuable lessons and grow into better versions of ourselves. In this article, we will explore the wisdom gained from my personal experiences of waiting in various aspects of life whiles drawing inspiration from biblical examples to illustrate this concept. Furthermore, we will link the lessons learned from waiting to the world of business, highlighting how patience can lead to opportunities for growth and success.

Waiting as a Catalyst for Growth

Personally, I have found my experiences of waiting rarely easy, especially in the current instant news regime, where leaders/ individuals are glorified for fast turn-arounds and celebration of quick success, waiting, can be marked by uncertainty, frustration, and even anxiety. Whether it be for urgent visas, when coaching or mentoring others, the development and delivery of campaigns, products,  and services, or responses from business partners. Each of these instances has taught me important life lessons, and it’s essential to understand that waiting periods are not about passively sitting around and twiddling our thumbs. They are about developing the virtue of patience, a quality highly regarded in many cultures and religions, including Christianity.

Biblical Parallels

The Bible is replete with stories that emphasize the transformative power of waiting. Consider the story of Job, who endured unimaginable suffering and loss, waiting for God’s response to his prayers. Job’s patience and unwavering faith through his trials ultimately led to his restoration and blessings.
Another biblical example is David’s journey from being anointed as king to actually ascending the throne. David waited for years, enduring hardships and persecution, before realizing God’s promise. His waiting period was a time of preparation, personal growth, and developing the leadership qualities he would need as king. This story highlights that waiting can be a crucible for growth and self-improvement.

A favourite from my childhood is the parable of the 10 virgins who were tasked with waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom, who was set to celebrate a wedding feast. Five were wise: prepared with extra oil for their lamp, whiles five were unprepared. The lesson is to be vigilant and prepared during waiting periods as opportunities may come unexpectedly and unpreparedness can lead to missed blessings

Translating Waiting to Business Success

Just as Job’s faith, David’s leadership skills and the ten virgins’ preparedness were honed during their waiting periods, waiting times can be transformative opportunities for your business. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are essential tools in business that can be effectively employed during waiting periods in 4 ways.

  1. Setting Clear Objectives: Businesses can set specific OKRs to outline their goals and what they aim to achieve. This provides clarity and focus on what needs to be accomplished.
  2. Measuring Progress with KPIs: KPIs help track the progress toward achieving objectives by offering quantifiable metrics that indicate how well the company is performing, even during periods of waiting.
  3. Adaptation and Flexibility: Waiting periods often come with uncertainties. OKRs and KPIs provide a framework for adaptability. If the situation changes during the wait, these tools can help the business pivot and adjust its goals and strategies accordingly.
  4. Motivation and Accountability: Clearly defined OKRs and KPIs provide motivation for teams to work toward specific goals, even during waiting periods. It also creates accountability, as progress can be easily measured.

Call to Action

The next time you find yourself in a waiting period-whether it’s a job search, a health issue or any other circumstance – consider it a gift, not a curse. Embrace it as an opportunity to develop patience, strengthen your faith and grow as an individual.

Reflect on your current waiting periods in business, whether it’s waiting for results, responses, or opportunities. How can you use this time to prepare, adapt, and grow? By understanding the lessons from biblical examples, we can appreciate the value of waiting and use it to become better versions of ourselves. Embrace the art of patience and trust that the waiting will lead to a successful year-end and a prosperous future.

Adelaide Ahovy Abbiw-Williams
Adelaide Ahovy Abbiw-Williams
Adelaide Ahovy Abbiw-Williams is currently the CEO of SES HD PLUS GH Ltd, a subsidiary of SES, the leading global satellite connectivity solutions provider. She champions premium TV broadcasting excellence in Ghana as the first female CEO of the company.

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